What Kamala Harris‘ Jahre als Staatsanwältin über sie verraten

Just a little over three months ago, Vice-President Kamala Harris approached a microphone to deliver a speech that would shape her past and future. The day before, President Joe Biden exited the election race and endorsed her as the Democratic candidate to succeed him. With limited time for campaigning, Harris had to act quickly. The saying goes in politics: define yourself or be defined by your opponent. In that moment, Harris introduced herself not just based on her White House and US senatorial record, but also on her years as a California prosecutor. She emphasized her experience taking on various wrongdoers, including predators, fraudsters, and cheaters, to draw a sharp contrast with her Republican rival, Donald Trump.

This narrative has been a recurring theme at her campaign events, where the 60-year-old positions the election as a battle between a seasoned prosecutor and a convicted criminal, constantly highlighting Trump’s legal issues. Looking back at Harris’s time in and out of California’s courtrooms reveals her ongoing struggle to define herself, with critics pointing to her history of shifting positions based on political trends, as well as her knack for seizing opportunities when underestimated.

Harris began her law enforcement career in Alameda County, California, during the 1990s amidst the „war on drugs“ era. Oakland, where she worked, grappled with high levels of violent crime, presenting a challenging environment for a young prosecutor. Despite the intense and serious nature of the cases she handled, Harris demonstrated confidence in front of juries and showed compassion towards victims of child abuse, as noted by her colleagues.

During this period, Harris was romantically involved with Willie Brown, a prominent political figure in California who introduced her to influential Democratic donors in San Francisco. The relationship ended before Brown became the city’s mayor, and Harris transitioned to the San Francisco district attorney’s office. Her time in San Francisco’s tough political landscape saw her build connections with key figures like Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein, navigating courtrooms by day and political events by night.

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Harris’s association with Laurene Powell Jobs, a significant donor and close friend, played a pivotal role in her political ascent, from her successful campaign for San Francisco district attorney to her current bid for the presidency. Harris’s principled stance against capital punishment was tested early in her tenure as district attorney when she opted for a life sentence without parole for a cop killer, despite calls for the death penalty. This decision drew criticism, including from the slain officer’s widow, highlighting the challenges Harris faced in adhering to her values in a demanding political environment. Getty Images As she exited the church service, she informed reporters that if she had known Harris was against the death penalty, she likely wouldn’t have endorsed her. Harris later defended her decision, stating that there can be no exceptions to principle. Civil rights attorney John Burris supported Harris’s stance, acknowledging that while it may not have been politically wise, it was a philosophical position she took. Despite facing backlash for her bold stance, Harris continued with her political ambitions. Brian Brokaw, who managed her campaigns, described her as focused on the end result rather than the political process.

After declining to pursue the death penalty in another case, Harris demonstrated a better understanding of the impact of her decisions. She personally delivered the news to the widow of a victim, showing empathy while remaining firm. This experience led her friend to realize he had underestimated her political capabilities.

Throughout her career, Harris has been portrayed as a progressive prosecutor, navigating the balance between criminal justice reform and being tough on crime. While some praised her initiatives to keep non-violent offenders out of prison, others criticized her for not being reform-minded enough. As she transitioned to the role of California’s attorney general, her progressive tendencies evolved into political pragmatism, leading to a more national profile.

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Harris faced criticism for implementing a school truancy program that led to some arrests and defying a Supreme Court order on prison overcrowding. She also reversed her stance on the death penalty in 2014, appealing a ruling that found it unconstitutional. Getty Images Jetzt verteidigte der Staatsanwalt, der einst darauf bestand, gewalttätige Mörder nicht zum Tode zu verurteilen, weil „es keine Ausnahme vom Prinzip“ gebe, das Recht des Staates, genau das zu tun.

Hadar Aviram, ein Professor für Strafrecht und Bürgerrechte, der Harris gebeten hatte, die Entscheidung beizubehalten, war einer von vielen Kritikern ihrer Haltung.

„Sie sind nicht verpflichtet, Dinge zu verteidigen, die moralisch ungerecht sind“, sagte sie 2019 der CNN über die Episode. „Wenn Sie wirklich glauben, dass sie moralisch ungerecht sind und die Möglichkeit haben, Stellung zu beziehen, denke ich, dass es eine Pflicht ist, dies zu tun.“

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Die ehemalige Stadträtin von San Francisco, Louise Renne, die mit Harris zusammengearbeitet hatte, als sie Oakland verließ, sagte, die Flut der Kritik, der sie wegen ihrer Unterstützung der Todesstrafe ausgesetzt war, sei unfair gewesen.

„Wenn Sie Generalstaatsanwalt sind, müssen Sie das Gesetz verteidigen. Das ist Ihre Pflicht“, sagte sie der BBC. „Ich betrachte das überhaupt nicht als Schwäche oder als gültige Kritik.“

Aber Harris war selektiv, welche Gesetze sie durchsetzte. Im Jahr 2004, als Gavin Newsom, damals Bürgermeister von San Francisco, beschloss, gleichgeschlechtliche Hochzeiten zuzulassen, entgegen dem Gesetz des Bundesstaates, half Harris bei einigen der Zeremonien, die sie als „einen der freudigsten“ Momente ihrer Karriere bezeichnete.

Ihr langer Werdegang als Staatsanwältin würde sich als heikel erweisen, als Harris sich nach ihrer Wahl in den US-Senat 2016 entschied, für die demokratische Präsidentschaftsnominierung zu kandidieren.

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