‚Das Etikett „Terrorist“ der neuen Herrscher Syriens muss laut UN-Gesandtem überdacht werden‘

“They have tried to reassure. And I think my message is that it’s important that they continue to do so and that they continue to show that they are willing to engage in a dialogue that can ultimately lead to a peaceful transition.”

The situation in Syria remains complex and fragile, with multiple armed groups vying for power and influence. The potential involvement of HTS in a transitional government raises significant challenges and uncertainties. However, as international powers and the UN seek to facilitate a peaceful transition in Syria, they must navigate these complexities and engage with all relevant parties, including former rebel groups like HTS.

It is clear that a sustainable and inclusive political solution in Syria will require the participation of a wide range of actors, including former opposition groups and elements of the Assad regime. By lifting terrorist designations and engaging in dialogue with groups like HTS, international powers may be able to create a more stable and inclusive political environment in Syria.

Ultimately, the goal is to avoid the mistakes of the past and ensure that Syria does not descend into further chaos and conflict. By working towards a peaceful transition that includes all relevant stakeholders, there may be hope for a more stable and prosperous future for the Syrian people.

„Aber die große Frage ist nun, ob wir in eine Zeit neuer Instabilität eintreten oder in eine Ära, in der er bereit ist, die Macht zu teilen, repräsentative Strukturen zu entwickeln und die Sanktionen aufzuheben, um Syrien wieder aufzubauen?“

Zusätzliche Berichterstattung von Guy Chazan in Berlin, Lucy Fisher in London sowie Henry Foy und Laura Dubois in Brüssel.

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