Der einsame Wächter Sudans schützt antike Schätze vor Plünderung.

„The situation in Sudan is dire, with our cultural heritage under constant threat of looting and destruction,“ Gashi said. „We must do everything we can to protect these priceless artifacts and ensure that future generations can appreciate the rich history of our country.“

Efforts are being made by organizations such as Unesco and local authorities to safeguard Sudan’s cultural heritage, but the ongoing conflict and instability in the region make this a challenging task.

As Fozia Khalid continues to stand guard over the pyramids at Meroë, she represents the last line of defense against those who seek to plunder and destroy Sudan’s ancient treasures. Her dedication and bravery in the face of danger are a testament to the importance of preserving our shared history for the benefit of all humanity.

“ Das beinhaltete den Tempel von Amun in Jebel Barkal in Karima, sowie den löwenköpfigen Gott Apedemak in Naqa und die Elefantenfigur am Tempel in Musawwarat, in der Nähe von Meroë.

„Alle gestohlenen Objekte sind einzigartige Stücke“, sagte Gashi. „Alle archäologischen Stätten sind jetzt aufgrund des Krieges gefährdet.“

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