Deutsche Stellenstreichungen trüben Stimmung der Wahlkampagne

He added that the situation was a “perfect storm” for politicians, who had to strike a balance between acknowledging voters’ fears and offering a positive vision for the future.

“It’s a very difficult situation,” said Winkler. “It’s not just a cyclical downturn, it’s a structural change in the economy that is happening right now.”

As Germany grapples with the fallout of job losses and economic uncertainty, the upcoming election will be a crucial test for the country’s political leaders to address the challenges facing the nation and offer a path forward for its citizens.

“Wir sind wahrscheinlich nur etwa zur Hälfte des Arbeitsmarktadjustments durch.”

Zusätzliche Berichterstattung von Guy Chazan und Ben Hall in Berlin

Datenvisualisierung von Jonathan Vincent

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