Dieses Unternehmen startet eine genetische Matching-Funktion für zukünftige Eltern – und der CEO sagt, es hat nichts mit Eugenik zu tun.

-based CLIA-certified lab.

As Nucleus continues to grow and expand its offerings, Sadeghi hopes to provide more tools for families to make informed decisions about their health. “We’re really trying to enable this information and then empower people to make decisions that are right for them,” he says. “As we continue to build, we’re going to be adding more features, more information, more data points for families to consider when making these important decisions.”

While the debate continues about the implications of genetic testing and partner matching, Nucleus Genomics is pushing forward with its mission to provide individuals and couples with the information they need to take control of their health and make informed decisions about their future.

„Es ist wie ein Besuch in der Arztpraxis“, sagt er.

Diese Geschichte wurde ursprünglich auf Fortune.com vorgestellt.

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