Elon Musk äußert Unterstützung für Reform UK-Rivalen nach Streit

Stevenson added: “The current infighting and public disputes are damaging the party’s reputation and distracting from their core message. If they don’t get their house in order soon, they risk losing the momentum they’ve gained and alienating their supporters.“

Despite the turmoil within the party, Reform continues to attract attention and support from high-profile figures like Musk. It remains to be seen how the party will navigate these challenges and whether they will be able to maintain their recent success in the political arena.

As for Lowe, his future in British politics is uncertain, but he seems determined to continue fighting for his beliefs and principles. Whether he decides to join another party or form a new one, it is clear that he is not backing down from the political landscape anytime soon.

Farage und Yusuf haben Dutzende von Kandidaten und Mitarbeitern ausgeschieden, was in einigen Fällen zu rechtlichen Schritten geführt hat.

„Wir alle wurden dazu gebracht zu glauben, dass es sich um eine Basispartei handelt, aber sie wird durch Leute ersetzt, die Geld haben oder Freunde der Parteiführung sind“, sagte Stevenson.

Zusätzliche Berichterstattung von Joe Miller in Washington und Lucy Fisher in London.

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