Lektionen von einem Wärmepumpen-Umwandler

Our home renovation is complete, and the star of the show is our Samsung 12KW air-source heat pump. It has transformed our London home into a completely fossil-fuel free zone, reducing our annual carbon footprint significantly. Friends, colleagues, and even strangers have been booking appointments to come and see this marvel in action.

While heat pumps have been around for decades, they have not been widely adopted in the UK. In fact, only a small fraction of households have transitioned to this cleaner heating option. With the government aiming for one in 10 homes to phase out their gas boilers by 2030, more of us need to join the heat pump revolution.

Our decision to install a heat pump was part of a broader eco-retrofit that aimed to make our home more sustainable. The renovation process was challenging, with unexpected setbacks and delays, but the end result was worth it. Our new double-height kitchen, while not ideal for efficient heating, is now warmed by water pipes in the walls, creating a unique and cozy atmosphere.

Despite the initial cost of the heat pump, we were able to take advantage of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme grant, which significantly reduced the price. The long-term savings and environmental benefits make the investment worthwhile. And with the efficiency of heat pumps being three to five times greater than gas boilers, it’s a no-brainer choice for a greener future.

So, while some may be skeptical of heat pumps, our experience has been nothing but positive. We are proud to be part of the movement towards cleaner, more sustainable heating options, and we encourage others to consider making the switch as well.


Overall, the process of installing a heat pump in an older home was challenging but ultimately rewarding. The decision to remove radiators and install underfloor heating, as well as water pipes in the wall, resulted in a more even distribution of heat throughout the house. While there were hurdles to overcome, such as finding the right installers and dealing with noise and space issues, the environmental benefits and energy savings make it all worth it.

The increasing popularity of heat pumps, driven by rising energy costs and changing mindsets, is a positive sign for the future of sustainable home heating. The reduction in carbon footprint and potential cost savings are significant factors in favor of making the switch to heat pumps.

In the end, the experience taught the homeowner the importance of taking action, even if it’s not perfect, in order to contribute to a more sustainable future. Making small changes, like switching to an electricity company tailored to heat pumps and using apps to regulate energy usage, can make a big difference in the long run. Während wir lernen, wie man sie bedient, hoffe ich, unsere Rechnungen zu reduzieren. Aber für mich waren die anderen Vorteile ausreichend, um die, zugegebenermaßen komplexe, Reise anzutreten.

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Nachdem meine Freunde und Nachbarn gekommen sind, um sich die Wärmepumpe anzusehen, hoffe ich, dass sie jetzt inspiriert sind, selbst eine zu bekommen – nicht zuletzt damit ich aufhören kann, Touren durch meine zu machen. Anscheinend können wir uns für ein Programm anmelden, kreativ mit „Besuchen Sie eine Wärmepumpe“ benannt, bei dem wir unser Zuhause für Leute öffnen können, um es sich anzusehen. Ich bin bereit, Botschafter zu sein (wenn du kannst, solltest du), aber hoffentlich reicht dieser Artikel aus. Es gibt nur so viele Male, die ich über die Pumpe sprechen möchte.

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