Londoner Börse erleidet größten Exodus seit Finanzkrise.

“London remains a world-leading financial centre, with deep pools of liquidity and a diverse investor base that continues to attract companies from around the world.”

The LSE said it was working with the government and regulators to ensure the UK remained an attractive place for listings.

“We continue to focus on supporting companies through their growth journey, providing access to capital, liquidity and a diverse investor base,” the LSE added.

Investor sentiment towards the UK has improved in recent months, with the country’s successful vaccine rollout and economic recovery from the pandemic boosting confidence. But concerns remain about the longer-term impact of Brexit on the UK’s financial services industry.

The departure of more FTSE 100 companies to the US would be a blow to the City of London, which has already seen some big banks and financial firms shift operations to the continent in the wake of Brexit.

But some market participants believe that London’s status as a global financial hub will endure, pointing to its strong legal framework, time zone advantage and cultural appeal.

“London has a lot to offer as a financial centre and I believe it will continue to attract companies looking to raise capital and access global markets,” said one investment banker.

As the competition for listings intensifies, the UK will need to work hard to ensure it remains an attractive destination for companies seeking to go public.

With the potential for more high-profile departures on the horizon, the City’s regulators and policymakers will need to be proactive in addressing the challenges facing the UK’s equity capital markets.

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Only time will tell whether London can maintain its position as a leading listing venue in the face of increasing global competition.

„Der britische Markt bleibt weltweit der drittgrößte hinsichtlich des bislang in diesem Jahr eingeworbenen Kapitals und erlebt die dynamischste Reihe von Reformen weltweit.“

Finanzministerin Rachel Reeves sagte am Freitag, dass das Listing von Canal+ „ein Vertrauensbeweis in die Kapitalmärkte des Vereinigten Königreichs, die Stabilität, die wir bieten, und unseren Plan für Veränderung“ sei.

Ein leitender Angestellter des FTSE 250 sagte jedoch, dass mehr getan werden müsse, um Investoren anzulocken.

„Ich glaube nicht, dass es ganz oben auf der Prioritätenliste der Regierung steht“, sagte der leitende Angestellte, „auch wenn es etwas ist, das sie regelmäßig hervorholen.“

Visualisierung von Alan Smith und Patrick Mathurin. Zusätzliche Berichterstattung von Ivan Levingston und Mari Novik in London.