Therapeuten hatten einen anstrengenden Tag nach der Wahl. Hier ist, was passiert ist.

For many therapists, the day after the election was a challenging one, filled with emotional intensity and personal struggles. The increase in mental health appointments and crisis line calls reflected the widespread impact of the election on individuals‘ mental well-being. Therapists found themselves navigating their own feelings of grief and disappointment while supporting their clients through their own struggles.

Despite the difficulty of the day, therapists like Alex Rascovar found solace in being able to focus on others and provide support during a challenging time. The ability to be present for their clients and offer a safe space for processing emotions helped them navigate their own feelings and find a sense of purpose in their work.

As therapists continue to support their clients through this challenging time, it is important for them to prioritize self-care and seek support from colleagues and peers. By acknowledging their own struggles and finding ways to cope, therapists can continue to provide effective care for their clients during times of crisis.

„Und so war das tatsächlich das größte Geschenk, das gemacht werden konnte, um es nicht um mich zu drehen.“

Diese Idee trifft bei Michelle auf Resonanz, deren eigenen Ängste „einfach durch das Zusammensein mit anderen Menschen, die wirklich in ihrem Prozess darüber sind, beiseite geschoben wurden“, sagt sie. „Es fühlt sich tatsächlich gut an, mitten in dieser dunklen Zeit. Als ob ich etwas tun würde.“

Mehr zum Thema psychische Gesundheit:

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