Ukraine kämpft darum, neue Soldaten zu rekrutieren, während Desertionen zunehmen.

This passage highlights the challenges faced by the Ukrainian military in replenishing its frontline ranks as Russia continues to capture more territory in eastern Ukraine. The increase in desertions among Ukrainian soldiers, particularly in the 123 Brigade, has raised concerns about the country’s ability to defend its territory effectively.

The lack of adequate weapons and training, as well as the absence of rotations for soldiers to rest and rehabilitate, have contributed to the high number of desertions. Many soldiers have expressed frustration and exhaustion, leading to mental health problems among troops.

The Ukrainian government has taken steps to address the issue, including weakening the rules for deserters who return to their units and moving towards voluntary recruitment to give men more choice in selecting their brigade and job. However, challenges remain in recruiting and retaining enough soldiers to replace battlefield losses and keep pace with Russia’s military advances.

The international community, including the US and the UK, has urged Ukraine to recruit more men and lower the conscription age to 18. The US official emphasized the importance of Ukraine mobilizing and training enough soldiers to counter Russia’s military capabilities.

Overall, the passage sheds light on the complex dynamics at play in Ukraine’s ongoing conflict with Russia and the challenges faced by the Ukrainian military in maintaining its defensive capabilities. „Dennoch müssen wir betteln gehen – um Drohnen, Nachtsichtgeräte, Geld für die Reparatur unserer Autos.“

Für diejenigen Ukrainer, die geliebte Menschen im Krieg verloren haben, löst der Wunsch anderer Menschen, ein normales Leben zu führen, Empörung aus.

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„Ich will nicht einmal hören, dass normale Menschen müde sind“, sagte Nataliia Logynovych, die im Frühjahr einen Bruder verloren hat, der im 123. Brigade gedient hat. „Sie [die Soldaten] sind müde, nicht wir.“

Weitere Berichterstattung von Felicia Schwartz in Washington und Raphael Minder in Warschau

Kartografie von Cleve Jones und Frontlinienanimation von Steven Bernard