Was sind seine fünf wichtigsten Prioritäten?

One of Trump’s key foreign policy goals is to negotiate the release of American hostages held in various countries, particularly in the Middle East. He has vowed to take a tough stance and use all available means to secure their release, including the threat of military action if necessary.

Trump’s foreign policy team, led by his national security advisor Mike Pompeo, is already working behind the scenes to lay the groundwork for negotiations with hostile regimes. They are also reaching out to key allies in the region to build a coalition to address regional conflicts and security threats.

Trump has also pledged to review and possibly renegotiate key international agreements, such as the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris Climate Accord, which he believes are not in the best interest of the US. He has indicated that he will prioritize America’s interests in all foreign policy decisions and will not hesitate to walk away from agreements that do not serve those interests.

Overall, Trump’s second administration is shaping up to be a period of intense activity and bold policy moves. With a strong mandate from the American people and a clear vision for the future, Trump and his team are ready to hit the ground running and make good on their promises to bring sweeping change to the US and the world.

Trump hat seinen Segen für das Waffenstillstandsabkommen zwischen Israel und dem Libanon gegeben und Steve Witkoff, den Immobilieninvestor, der sein Sondergesandter in der Region ist, entsandt, um ein schwer fassbares Waffenstillstandsabkommen im Gazastreifen zu erreichen.

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Er hat auch versucht, den militanten Hamas-Gruppe unter Druck zu setzen und gewarnt, dass „die Hölle los sein wird“, wenn sie nicht die verbliebenen israelischen Geiseln freilässt, die bei ihrem Angriff am 7. Oktober 2023 genommen wurden, bevor Trump am 20. Januar vereidigt wird.

Trump hat außerdem Keith Kellogg, einen pensionierten General und ehemaligen Beamten in seiner letzten Regierung, ernannt, um eine Einigung zwischen Russland und der Ukraine zu vermitteln – was er im Wahlkampf versprochen hat, innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach Amtsantritt zu tun.