Wie Joel Kaplan zu Mark Zuckerbergs vertrauenswürdigstem politischen Problemlöser wurde

“I think it’s important to understand the context of what’s happening in the world. And I think it’s important to understand that the rules and regulations that are being proposed in the European Union are significantly different to those that are being proposed in the United States.”

Despite the controversy surrounding Kaplan, it seems that he will continue to play a key role in shaping Meta’s political and policy decisions in the coming years. His ability to navigate the complex world of politics and business has made him an indispensable ally to Zuckerberg and the company as a whole.

As Meta continues to face scrutiny over its content moderation and political influence, Kaplan’s role will be closely watched by both critics and supporters alike. Only time will tell how his leadership will shape the future of the social media giant.

Ein Insider von Meta wies auf eine Rede von JD Vance letzten Monat in Paris hin, in der der Vizepräsident die „übermäßige Regulierung“ des KI-Sektors durch die EU kritisierte. „Die Rede war wie ein Gesprächsleitfaden für Meta“, sagte die Person und fügte hinzu, dass sie klangen, als ob sie von Kaplan selbst stammen könnten.

Zusätzliche Berichterstattung von Anna Gross in London, Henry Foy in Brüssel und Amy Kazmin in Rom.

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